Publicity is all about attracting media attention and gaining visibility with the public.
The media play an important role in generating publicity. At Trigger we understand the NZ media landscape and work hard to maintain positive relationships with media with who we work closely with.
As a team we work to explore interesting, unique and newsworthy angles, create dynamic pitches and match your stories with most appropriate media outlets who will give you a voice that speaks to your target audience.
Publicity is hugely valuable and is typically valued at triple the rate card price of space. This is because it is engaging content that conveys the message without ‘selling’ to the audience.
We work with prolific local and international talent as well as emerging talent to secure print, online, radio and television interviews. We really enjoy sharing our clients stories and seeing these appear in the media!
Talent Tours
As part of publicity campaigns we offer the option to conduct a talent tour, either nationwide or in select locations.
We accompany the talent on the road to facilitate media interviews and manage all aspects of the tour from setting up the interviews to arranging public engagements, managing travel and accommodation logistics alongside the tour budget. If required we also offer media training.
We have led many successful publicity tours – each one is different but all are a really effective way of reaching a wider audience, delivering a personalised message and engaging the public.

We secured the NZ Herald Time Out cover with an interview with James Rolleston, promoting The Dark Horse.

We conducted a nationwide talent tour with Bret McKenzie and Hamish Blake to promote the release of Two Little Boys. We visited the main centres to conduct numerous in studio radio and tv interviews as well as print press interviews and photo shoots – ending in a big press event on the red carpet in Invercargill, where the film was made. Hamish and Blake could be seen everywhere – including taking over as weather presenters on TVNZ!